

Note that most options will control Sonique while it is already running but many can be used while starting Sonique to control its behaviour after it starts. The following are useful only when Sonique is already running:
stop, play, pause, resume, seeknext, seekprev, quit

This option stops the current playing song.

This option plays the song that is currently selected in the playlist.

This option pauses the current playing song.

This option "un-pauses" the current playing song.

This does the same thing as the "next song" button.

This does the same thing as the "previous song" button.

-startsong <filename>
This option will play a song out of the playlist. It will never add a song to the playlist, only play one that is already in it.

This closes the currently running Sonique.

-appendonly <filename>
This adds the file to the playlist even if your settings clear the playlist when songs are added.

-shuffle <on|off>
This option will enable or disable shuffle play.

-loop <one|all|off>
This option will enable or disable a loop mode.

-repeat <one|all|off>
Synonym for loop.

This removes the current playing cong from the playlist.

This clears the playlist.

-seekto <track#>
This will seek to a track in the playlist by it's number in the list.

-playto <track#>
Synonym for seekto.

-scanto <milliseconds#>
This changes the offset in the currently playing song. e.g. "-scanto 1000" will set the song to be playing from one second into the file.

-setoffset <milliseconds>
Synonym for scanto.

-setvolume <volume>
Sets Sonique's current output volume. Valid range of values is 0 (mute) to 65535.

This causes Sonique to pop up a file selector dialogue which prompts the user to add one or more songs to the playlist.

-cdinsert <path>
This enables the Auto CD Insert setting.

-installskin <filename>
This copies the selected file into the Sonique skins directory.

-loadskin <filename>
This opens Sonique if it is not already open with the selected skin file as the active skin. If Sonique is already running, it will change its active skin to the selected file.

-showwindow <window> <mode>
This changes Sonique's current display mode. The first option "window" selects which size Sonique appears as:

1small mode
2mid mode
3navigator mode

The second option "mode" only affects navigator mode and change which of the available displays is active:
1online tools
3visual mode
4setup options
5about Sonique
6audio controls
7media search